Ethel Shipton and Nate Cassie

Vacancy Project

“Vacancy Project” features a single artistic event occurring in a non-art venue, four times a year in the San Antonio area. Each event is held in a new location, which may include such spaces as an unoccupied apartment, a restaurant or a beauty salon. The singularity of each event, combined with the project’s multidisciplinary nature, creates a spontaneous energy that ripples through various slices of the larger San Antonio community.

Vacancy Project | Ethel Shipton and Nate Cassie | Round 5 (2013) | The Idea Fund
Vacancy Project | Ethel Shipton and Nate Cassie | Round 5 (2013) | The Idea Fund
Vacancy Project | Ethel Shipton and Nate Cassie | Round 5 (2013) | The Idea Fund
Vacancy Project | Ethel Shipton and Nate Cassie | Round 5 (2013) | The Idea Fund
Vacancy Project | Ethel Shipton and Nate Cassie | Round 5 (2013) | The Idea Fund