Sara Balabanlilar and Sarah Rodriguez
Paraspace Books: Textu(r)al Response: A Lecture and Workshop Series
“Textu(r)al Response” will consist of five textu(r)al response workshops/book club/intermedia think tank; four lectures, hosted by future-minded artists/thinkers; and two multi-media zines produced by Paraspace. Each workshop will take the form of a new way to approach each sense: touch, taste, sound, sight, and smell. Through these workshops, we hope to create a community conversation surrounding personal experiences in an embodiment, and what a future body could or would hope to look like or be. How do we walk through the world, and how will we, so to speak. Continuing on that theme, the four lectures we have in mind will be strongly geared toward interdisciplinary action — lead by groups such as Metropolarity, a queer sci-fi oriented press that focuses on all aspects of ‘world-building’ in an attempt to create a cohesive vision of the future. Lastly, the founders of Paraspace Books would like to create two multi-platform, digital zines that will function as an easily distributable guidebook to our philosophies as a project, as well as information and readings that are and will be valuable in the past, present, and future.
Learn more on Facebook and Instagram.